歐盟及PNG簽訂漁業互惠貿易協定 歐盟及巴布新幾內亞(PNG)已簽訂協定立即開放該太平洋國家全數商品免關稅輸往歐洲市場,PNG則開放歐盟88%進口商品在未來15年內享免關稅優惠。 最初由歐盟、PNG與後來加入的斐濟於2007年草擬的協定暫時於2008年1月1日生效。儘管斐濟還未簽署該項協定,仍享輸往歐盟市場免關稅的優惠,而斐濟則須開放歐盟87%進口商品在未來15年內享免關稅優惠。歐盟貿易委員長表示,斐濟將在稍後階段簽署的協定,此協定實為歐盟建築設計及太平洋國家間貿易與發展夥伴關係邁向堅固與永久的重要里程碑。儘管如此,歐洲漁業界仍憂心此協定有將她們的船隻趕出中西太平洋水域之虞,甚至有些太平洋國家的公民團體會員認為,降低輸往歐盟產品的門檻形同出賣自己國家的生產者,唯恐連帶賠上工作與影響生計等的反對聲浪不絕於耳。去年歐盟與非洲、加勒比海及太平洋國家(ACP)的貿易總額將近10億歐元,其中來自PNG與斐濟的商品即佔歐盟與太平洋區域總貿易量的83%。27個歐盟國家主要以機械、汽車與術後面膜石油出口太平洋國家;太平洋國家則主要以水產品、蔬菜油、糖、咖啡、茶葉、香料與銅輸出歐盟市場。世界貿易組織(WTO)認為歐盟之臨時經濟夥伴協定是替代以往一直提供過去殖民地優惠貿易規則,該等優惠措施在WTO放棄權措施,允許該等違反WTO規定之方案暫時延續,但於2007年屆滿後變成違法。歐盟就與不同組的發展中國家磋商新協定取代EPAs,但過程困難重重,雖然臨時性EPA奏效,EU仍與PNG、斐濟及太平洋區域其他12開發中國家推動全面性的區域間EPA。房地產迄今,僅有歐盟與加勒比海鄰國結盟之加勒比海論壇(CARIFORUM)間的EPA交涉順利。另有少數如歐盟及PNG的雙邊協定成功的案例。(摘譯自INFOFISH Trade News,No. 15/2009)EU AND PAPUA NEW GUINEA INK TRADE PACT, FISHERIES TO BENEFITThe European Union (EU) and Papua New Guinea (PNG) have signed a deal that will immediately allow the Pacificcountry to export all of its goods duty free to the European market. In return, PNG will 代償remove tariffs on 88% ofimports from the EU over the next 15 years.The EU and PNG, joined by Fiji, initialled the accord in 2007 and the agreement has been in effect ‘provisionally’ since1 January 2008. Fiji has yet to sign the deal, but its exports will also enter the European market duty free from now on;in exchange, the country will cut tariffs on 87% of European imports over 15 years. The EU Trade 東森房屋Commission said ina statement that Fiji “decided to sign (the agreement) at a later stage”. EU Trade Commissioner, Ms. Catherine Ashtoncalled the deal “an important step towards a strong and lasting EU-Pacific trade and development partnership”.But the agreement is not without its detractors. The European fishing industry frets that the deal could push their fleetsout of the Central and Western Pacific Ocean. 酒店打工And some members of civil society in the Pacific countries say thatreducing barriers to the flow of European goods will undercut their domestic producers, perhaps costing jobs andthreatening livelihoods.Total trade between the EU and Pacific ACP countries totalled nearly Euro 1 billion last year. The 27-nation EU exportsmainly machinery, vehicles and oil to the Pacific countries, which in turn export primarily 房屋買賣seafood products andvegetable oils, sugar, coffee, tea, spices and copper to the European market. Goods from Papua New Guinea and Fijiaccount for 83% of the EU’s total trade with the Pacific region.The deal which is officially being billed as an Interim Economic Partnership Agreement (EPA), is meant to replace asystem of preferential trade rules that the EU has long granted many of its former colonies. Those 室內裝潢preferences becameillegal at the end of 2007, when a WTO waiver that allowed the temporary continuation of the schemes which violatedworld trade rules, expired. Brussels has since been working to negotiate replacement deals (the EPAs) with regionalgroupings of developing countries, a process that has proven quite difficult. To date, only one full-fledged EPA hasbeen negotiated between the EU and the CARIFORUM 西服coalition of Caribbean countries. However, several bilateralagreements like that between the EU and PNG have been struck. But even as that ‘interim’ EPA takes effect, Brussels iscontinuing its push to negotiate a full-fledged, region-to-region EPA with PNG, Fiji, and 12 other developing countriesin the Pacific region.

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